Hur man “skapar” sin egen månadsutdelning med fonder!

Hej allihopa!

Idag ville jag prata lite om fonder och hur man kan skapa sin egen månadsutdelning med dem.

På sistone har jag fått mycket frågor om vad som är bäst när man vill börja investera, om man ska välja aktier eller fonder.

Fonder och aktier, vilka ger utdelning?
Det är olika. Många större bolag har ofta utdelning och ger pengar tillbaka från vinsterna de gör till sina investerare. Men det finns även bolag som inte ger utdelning och satsar pengarna i återinvesteringar och utvecklingar i bolaget så att kursen (förhoppningsvis) växer och därmed får sin ökade avkastning.

Fonder ger oftast inte utdelning, men det finns undantag! XACT Högutdelande är ett exempel på undantag (som också är mitt största enskilda innehav).

Jag har fonder med bolag som ger utdelning, vad händer med utdelningarna? Jag får ju inte dem?
Flera som jag har pratat med har inte förstått var utdelningarna som fonderna får från sina bolag tar vägen.

De utdelningarna är kvar i fonden och tillhör alltså dig med. De försvinner aldrig, utan du får dom indirekt.

Som tex om man äger Avanza Zero som har bolag som Volvo, Investor och Handelsbanken, fonden får utdelning från bolagen och denna utdelning återinvesteras av fondförvaltarna. Så man går inte “miste” om utdelningen, utan man får den automatiskt återinvesterad!

Det är alltså som att du har köpt aktierna och sedan återinvesterar utdelning direkt.

Så hur skapar man sin egen månadsutdelning med fonder?
Snabba svaret:
Man har nått sin frihetssiffra och säljer av 0,33% av sitt portföljvärde varje månad. Det blir 4% per år, vilket är en bra siffra att leva på från sin portfölj.

Långa svaret:
Först vill jag påminna er om att man först vill veta om vad ens mål är, hur mycket man siktar på att få i passiva inkomster varje månad.

Vill man ha 5,000 kr i månaden? 10,000 kr i månaden? Eller mer? Kika in inlägget nedan och ta reda på vad din “frihetssiffra” är!
Passiva inkomster – Hur man räknar ut vad som krävs för att få en specifik summa varje månad från aktieutdelningar!

Nu tillbaka till ämnet!

Låt oss säga att man har haft målet att få 20,000 kr i månaden i passiva inkomster och man vill leva på 4% årligen av sin portfölj. Då krävs det 6 miljoner kr.

Detta räknar vi ut genom att ta det månatliga beloppet (20,000kr i detta exempel) för de önskade passiva inkomsterna, multiplicera det med 12 månader (240,000 kr), och dividera detta med 0,04% (=6 miljoner kr).
Mer om hur man räknar ut detta finns i inlägget som jag länkade ovan!

Så när man har 6 miljoner kronor, så säljer man helt enkelt av 0,33% av sina fonder varje månad vilket blir 20,000 kr! Då har man skapat sin egen månadsutdelning!

Vill man ha 10,000 kr/mån i passiva inkomster så krävs en fondportfölj med 3 miljoner kronor och då gör man samma sak, att man säljer av 0,33% av fondportföljen varje månad och plockar ut sina 10,000 kr!

Så man säljer helt enkelt av 0,33% varje månad från sin fondportfölj när man har nått sin frihetssiffra och vill leva på portföljen?
Ja, sedan kan man sälja av mer eller mindre med. Det är upp till var och en!

Så varför inte bara köpa utdelningsaktier med 4% direktavkastning?
Det kan man absolut göra! Det är exakt samma sak egentligen, men det beror på hur man själv är som investerare och hur man vill investera.

Utdelningsaktier, den aktiva investeraren!
Vissa har intresse för att välja bolag och följa deras utveckling och välja ut sina egna favoriter. Då passar det bra med utdelningsaktier och att man bygger ihop sin egen balanserade portfölj mellan bolag och branscher!

Fonder, den passiva investeraren!
Detta passar bättre för de som är mer passiva och vill ha något enkelt och effektivt. De som inte har intresse att välja sina egna bolag eller läsa bolagsrapporter så är fonder ett utmärkt val. Ofta så har småsparare svårt att slå index över längre perioder, så statistiskt sett så har breda och billiga indexfonder gett mer avkastning till folk.

Så vilken är bäst? Det beror på personen som investerar, helt enkelt!

Så svaret på den frågan är olika från person till person?
Precis. Det är som med träning, vissa föredrar att motionera genom att spela fotboll med folk, vissa föredrar att träna själva på gymmet, andra föredrar att springa en löptur längs en fin sjö och så vidare.

Alla motionerar men gör det på det sätt som passar dem själva bäst! Detsamma gäller med investeringar!

Finns det fler sätt att investera på än börsen?
Absolut! Man kan ju starta företag, YouTube kanaler, starta webshoppar, skriva böcker, investera i sig själv via en utbildning och myyycket mer. Men åtminstone detta inlägg handlar om börsen 😊

Hur stor del av Fröken portfölj är i fonder?
Det är enbart 2% av min portfölj i dagsläget. Det kan bli mer i framtiden!

Slut på inlägget!
Det var mina tankar för idag! Jag insåg när jag satt och skrev igår att jag ville prata om detta i ett eget inlägg 😛

Bonus att läsa:
Här pratar jag om att börja månadsspara i globalfonder och varför jag tycker att det är en superbra idé!

Har ni själva aktier eller fonder? Om ni har bägge, hur stor del är fonder respektive aktier? Vilka fonder har ni valt? Låt mig veta!

Fröken Investera

4 thoughts on “Hur man “skapar” sin egen månadsutdelning med fonder!

  1. Hej! Bra inlägg! Jag har mindre än 1% fonder, funderar på att öka den i framtiden till 10%. Fonder heter SPP aktiefond USA med låg avg. Aktier har gått bättre för mig än börsen, därför har jag så många.


    1. Hej TM!

      Ursäkta för sent svar!

      Aha, då har vi nästan lika mycket fonder 😂 Du 1% och jag 2%!

      Aha, den fonden ska jag titta upp. Även jag vill öka mina fonder, har jag insett.

      Jag måste in på din blogg och kika på din portfölj ☺️

      Tack för att du delar med dig!

      Med vänliga hälsningar,
      Fröken Investera

  2. Jag har nästan exakt 50/50 mellan fonder och aktier. Började med enbart fonder, men sedan gick jag över till Xact Hög och sedan utdelningsaktier. Jag har Avanxa Global och Länsförsäkringar Global Indexnära. Sedan har jag också lagt till AMF Asien Stilla havet så jag får större geografisk spridning (nästan allt annat ligger i USA och Sverige).

    Kul att du är tillbaka!


    1. Hej Louise!

      Aha, det låter väldigt sunt och bra det du har gjort!

      Breda globalfonder och lite XACT Högutdelande på det låter fantastiskt i mina öron 😃

      AMF Asien Stilla Havet vill jag kolla upp! Inte hört talas om den och blev nyfiken.

      Det låter jättebra att du tänker på riskspridningen mellan många länder och även branscher och valutor!

      Imponerande måste jag säga 😃

      Tack min vän! Det känns bra att vara tillbaka här på bloggen och IG ☺️

      Med vänliga hälsningar,
      Fröken Investera

  3. In a world of of rapidly changing money and variable costs from time to time situations appear where you need to get financial support until your next salary. In this context, a salary loan becomes one of the popular financial tools. Let’s look at is and how it can be useful.
    1. Definition of Loan up to Salary

    A loan up to wages is a short-term type of loans provided to the borrower on the terms of repayment on the day of receipt of his next salary. Usually such loans have small amounts, and their purpose is to assist the borrower to cope with temporary financial difficulties until the next payment of wages.
    2. Superiorities of a loan up to Salary

    Urgency: Pre-payday loans usually are issued quickly, making them an attractive solution for those faced with unexpected expenses .

    Ease of Obtaining: The process of design of such loans is as usual minimal. The borrower quite often must provide only basic information and proof of measured income.

    No Lending History: For most loans up to wages there is no required verification of the lending history of the borrower, which is a big advantage for those , who do not have good lending history.

    3. Features of Repayment and Refinancing Rates

    Repayment Term: As usual the loan term until salary is several weeks or until next salary of the borrower.

    Interest Rates: The rates on such loans can be higher than long-term loans since they are provided on a short-term basis and frequently do not require collateral.

    4. Safety and Regulation

    Legality and Regulation: Fundamentally choose only reliable financial organizations and legal lenders, because regulation in this area helps prevent unfair practices.

    Safety of consumers: Laws and regulations provide protection of consumers, including transparency of criteria of credit and provision of complete information about interest and fees.

    5. Prudence and Candidates

    Consideration of Alternatives: Before applying for a loan up to salary, it is worth considering other options, including borrowing from buddies or families, appeal to charitable organizations or consider other monetary possibilities.

    Reasonable Use: Mainly use credit before wages appropriate and responsibly, avoiding constant appeal for such loans and observing repayment deadlines.


    A payday loan is a tool that possibly useful in situations of short-term financial difficulties. However, it should be used with caution, observing repayment deadlines and choosing reliable lenders. Remember that financial security is an important aspect of your personal cards, and smart money planning will help avoid excessive monetary problems.

  4. In a world of of rapidly changing money and variable costs sometimes situations appear where you need to get financial support until your next salary. In this context, a wages loan becomes one of the famous financial appliances. Let’s look at is and how it can be useful.
    1. Definition of Loan up to Wages

    A loan up to salary is a short-term type of loans provided to the borrower subject to repayment per day of receipt of his next salary. As usual such loans have small amounts, and their purpose is to help the borrower to cope with temporary financial difficulties until the subsequent payment of wages.
    2. Advantages of a loan up to Wages

    Urgency: Pre-salary loans as usual are issued quickly, making them an attractive solution for those faced with unexpected expenses .

    Ease of Obtaining: The process of design of such loans is usually small. The borrower often must provide only basic information and confirmation of stable income.

    No Lending History: For many loans up to wages there is no required verification of the lending history of the borrower, which is a big advantage for those , who do not have good lending history.

    3. Features of Repayment and Refinancing Rates

    Repayment Term: As usual the loan term until salary is several weeks or until next salary of the borrower.

    Interest Rates: The rates on such loans can be higher than long-term loans since they are provided on a short-term basis and frequently do not require collateral.

    4. Safety and Regulation

    Legality and Regulation: Important choose only reliable financial organizations and legal lenders, since regulation in this area helps prevent unfair practices.

    Safety of consumers: Laws and regulations provide protection of consumers, including transparency of conditions of credit and provision of complete information about interest and fees.

    5. Caution and Candidates

    Consideration of Alternatives: Before applying for a loan up to wages, it is worth considering other options, such as borrowing from buddies or families, appeal to charitable organizations or consider other financial possibilities.

    Wise Implementation: Mainly use credit before wages wise and responsibly, avoiding constant application for such loans and observing repayment deadlines.


    A payday loan is a tool that can be useful in situations of short-term financial problems. However, it should be used with caution, observing repayment deadlines and electing reliable lenders. Remember that financial security is an important nuance of your personal cards, and smart money planning will help avoid excessive monetary difficulties.

  5. Across the world of rapidly changing finance and variable costs from time to time situations arise where you need to get financial support until your subsequent salary. In this context, a wages loan becomes one of the famous monetary tools. Let’s look at is and how it can be useful.
    1. Definition of Loan up to Salary

    A loan up to wages is a short-term type of loans near me provided to the borrower on the terms of repayment on the day of receipt of his next salary. As usual such loans have small amounts, and their purpose is to help the borrower to cope with temporary financial difficulties until the subsequent payment of wages.
    2. Advantages of a loan up to Wages

    Urgency: Pre-payday loans usually are issued quickly, making them an attractive solution for those faced with sudden expenses .

    Ease of Obtaining: The process of design of such loans is as usual minimal. The borrower often require provide only basic information and confirmation of stable income.

    No Credit History: For many loans up to wages there is no needed verification of the credit history of the borrower, which is a big advantage for those , who do not have good credit history.

    3. Features of Repayment and Interest Rates

    Repayment Term: Usually the loan term until salary is several weeks or until subsequent salary of the borrower.

    Interest Rates: The rates on such loans can be higher than long-term loans since they are provided on a short-term base and frequently do not require collateral.

    4. Safety and Regulation

    Legality and Regulation: Fundamentally choose only reliable financial organizations and legal lenders, since regulation in this area helps prevent unfair practices.

    Safety of consumers: Laws and regulations provide protection of consumers, including transparency of criteria of credit and provision of complete information about interest and fees.

    5. Caution and Alternatives

    Consideration of Alternatives: Before applying for a loan up to salary, it is worth considering other options, including borrowing from buddies or families, appeal to charitable organizations or consider other monetary possibilities.

    Wise Implementation: Fundamentally use credit before wages wise and responsibly, avoiding constant application for such loans and observing repayment deadlines.


    A payday loan is a tool that can be useful in situations of short-term monetary difficulties. However, it should be used with caution, observing repayment deadlines and electing reliable lenders. Remember that financial security is an important aspect of your personal card game, and smart financial planning will help avoid excessive financial difficulties.

  6. Across the world of rapidly changing money and variable costs from time to time situations appear where you need to get financial support until your subsequent salary. In this context, a wages loan becomes one of the famous monetary appliances. It is necessary to consider what kind of lending this is and how it can be useful.
    1. Definition of Loan up to Wages

    A loan up to wages is a short-term type of loans provided to the borrower subject to repayment on the day of receipt of his subsequent salary. As usual such loans have small amounts, and their purpose is to assist the borrower to cope with temporary financial difficulties until the next payment of wages.
    2. Advantages of a loan up to Salary

    Urgency: Pre-payday loans as usual are issued quickly, making them an attractive solution for those faced with sudden expenses .

    Ease of Obtaining: The process of design of such loans is as usual minimal. The borrower often must provide only basic information and confirmation of measured income.

    No Lending History: For many loans up to salary there is no required verification of the lending history of the borrower, which is a big advantage those , who do not have fair credit history.

    3. Features of Repayment and Interest Rates

    Repayment Term: Usually the loan term until wages is several weeks or until subsequent wages of the borrower.

    Interest Rates: The rates on such loans may be higher than long-term loans because they are provided on a short-term basis and frequently do not require collateral.

    4. Safety and Regulation

    Legality and Regulation: Fundamentally choose only reliable financial organizations and legitimate lenders, since regulation here helps prevent dishonest practices.

    Safety of consumers: Laws and regulations ensure protection of consumers, including transparency of conditions of credit and provision of complete information about interest and fees.

    5. Caution and Alternatives

    Consideration of Alternatives: Before applying for a loan up to wages, it is worth considering other options, such as borrowing from buddies or families, appeal to charitable organizations or consider other monetary possibilities.

    Wise Use: Mainly use credit before salary wise and responsibly, avoiding constant application for such loans and observing repayment deadlines.


    A payday loan is a tool that can be useful in situations of short-term financial problems. However, it should be used with caution, observing repayment deadlines and choosing reliable lenders. Remember that financial security is an important aspect of your personal cards, and smart money planning will help avoid excessive financial problems.

  7. In a world of of rapidly changing money and variable costs from time to time situations arise where you need to get financial support until your next salary. In this context, a wages loan becomes one of the famous financial appliances. Let’s look at what kind of lending this is and how it can be useful.
    1. Definition of Loan up to Wages

    A loan up to salary is a short-term type of payday loans provided to the borrower subject to repayment on the day of receipt of his next salary. Usually such loans have small amounts, and their purpose is to assist the borrower to cope with temporary financial difficulties until the subsequent payment of salary.
    2. Advantages of a loan up to Salary

    Urgency: Pre-payday loans as usual are issued quickly, making them an pretty solution for those faced with sudden expenses .

    Ease of Obtaining: The process of design of such loans is as usual small. The borrower often needs provide only basic information and confirmation of stable income.

    No Lending History: For most loans up to wages there is no needed verification of the credit history of the borrower, which is a big advantage those , who do not have fair credit history.

    3. Features of Repayment and Interest Rates

    Repayment Term: As usual the loan term until wages is several weeks or until next wages of the borrower.

    Interest Rates: The rates on such loans can be higher than long-term loans since they are provided on a short-term basis and frequently do not require collateral.

    4. Safety and Regulation

    Legality and Regulation: Mainly choose only reliable monetary organizations and legitimate lenders, since regulation here helps prevent dishonest practices.

    Safety of consumers: Laws and regulations ensure protection of consumers, including transparency of conditions of credit and provision of complete information about interest and fees.

    5. Prudence and Alternatives

    Consideration of Alternatives: Before applying for a loan up to wages, it is worth inspecting alternative options, such as borrowing from friends or families, appeal to charitable organizations or consider other monetary possibilities.

    Wise Use: Mainly use credit before salary appropriate and responsibly, avoiding constant appeal for such loans and observing repayment deadlines.


    A payday loan is a tool that can be useful in situations of short-term monetary difficulties. However, it should be used with caution, observing repayment deadlines and electing reliable lenders. Remember that financial security is an important nuance of your personal card game, and smart financial planning will help avoid excessive monetary difficulties.

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